
SHIFT workshops in the Semmelweis Museum of Medical History

The Semmelweis Museum of the History of Medicine (MNM SOM) organized a series of stakeholder workshops in April 2024 that focused on enhancing museum experiences for various visitor groups assessing the project’s new technological tools currently under development. These workshops focused on three distinct groups: individuals with hearing impairments, people on the autism spectrum, and people with visual impairments. Each session was designed to gather specific feedback on improving the accessibility and inclusiveness of the mentioned museum technologies. This video provides a brief summary of the events and the feedbacks.

Following a workshop series in April 2024 (link of the first video here), the Semmelweis Museum of the History of Medicine (MNM SOM) organised a workshop to gather further feedback from visitors with special needs. This video provides a brief summary of the workshop events and the feedbacks:

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